Christian Worship and Yoga Mix for March 2021
This Christian Yoga and Worship Mix combines prayer, scripture, music, and movement.
You’ll begin the session by becoming still and present before God. Music is also provided to help set the tone for worship. You’ll then move into a beginner friendly practice. This sequence does not require any props or prior experience of yoga. Rev. John Arnold offers devotional thoughts to connect to many of the poses to help you reflect on your relationship with God.
In the final poses, shavasana, Rev. John Arnold leads us in a reflection on a healing story from the book of Mark. Specifically, you’ll be guided in reflecting on how Jesus healed a leper who came humbly and yet boldly asked for healing. You can do the same.
If you enjoy this video and would like to see more Christian yoga and worship mix sessions, please let me know in the comments below.
About your teacher
About your teacher Rev. John Arnold, The Yoga Pastor, is an ordained Christian minister and a 200 hour certified yoga instructor. He’s literally spent thousands of hours on his mat and in studying and teaching the word of God. He created Christ, Yoga, and You as a place for Christian yogis to deepen their faith and practice.
Would you like to do yoga every day?
If you would like to do yoga every day, then get your free copy of Rev. Arnold’s 7 step guide to creating a daily practice you never miss. John has completed over 1600 days of yoga. Learn his secrets of success in this quick start guide to practicing yoga every day.
To get your free copy of “1000 Days of Yoga, 7 Steps to a Daily Practice You Never miss at:
Connect with other Christian Yogis
Join the Christ, Yoga, and You private Facebook group to connect with Christian yogis wanting to grow in their faith and practice just like you.