This Christian Yoga and Worship Mix combines prayer, scripture, music, and movement. You’ll begin the session by becoming still and present before God. Music is also provided to help set [...]
Due to a hand injury I’ve been leaning on chair practice as my norm for the past two weeks. This 30 minute practice is also representative of what chair practice looks like during my [...]
I love using prayer models to broaden my prayer life and sharpen my focus during prayer and so can you. For example, I’ve prayed an ACTS prayer, which stands for Adoration, Confession, [...]
I have experimented with a plethora of breathing techniques: three part breathing, fire breath, bumble bee breath, box breath, wim hoff breathing, breathing one breath per minute, etc. Hands down [...]
For the past couple of weeks, I have had a surprisingly strong sense of peace and emerging energy. I say surprisingly because most people are feeling worn-out, agitated, and anxious. This angst [...]
Years ago, I started yoga by following videos in my living room. (They were VHS tapes – yeah that long ago). I got bit by the yoga bug and quickly wanted more. So, I enrolled in a yoga [...]
Sunday I preached about Mary and Martha. If the story I’m talking about doesn’t immediately jumped to mind, here is the quick skinny. Jesus visits a home with two sisters. One sister, [...]